Event Calendar


Live Webinar, Tuesday May 8: National CC/MCC Capture Rate and Case Mix Index Trend Study. Sponsored by CHIA

Register today for the live Webinar.  Sponsored by the California Health Information Association (CHIA) Join Sandy Brewton and Fred Stodolak, Panacea leadership to get a clear picture of how your health system is performing under ICD-10. Are complication or comorbidity (CC) or major complication or comorbidity (MCC) capture rates and case mix index trending up […]

Presentation at CHIA. Driving Focused Physician Audits and Education Using Predicative Analytics

Learn a new holistic approach to physician auditing using technology, expertise, and education. With the predictive analyzer tool, identify incidents and patterns of potential billing and coding as well as opportunities where under-coding of services may be taking place. The results will drive meaningful focused audits and provider specific education. Presented by: Kathy Pride, Senior […]

Attend HFMA’s Virtual Education Event in Jan. Govind Goyal, PANACEA EVP, will present “No Surprises Act: Demystifying Good Faith Estimates” workshop. Jan 24, 11AM CST.

The No Surprises Act provisions require that uninsured/self-pay good faith estimates include the primary service and an associated list of line item "expected charges".  In this session you will learn best practices to identify and list all expected charges for each item and service furnished during an encounter. This session will also explore best approaches […]

Region 3 HFMA: “No Surprises Act: Demystifying Good Faith Estimates” Workshop

In January 2022, the national HFMA hosted a series of workshops addressing the No Surprises Act, presented by Panacea. Due to the continued interest surrounding Good Faith Estimates, HFMA Region 3 is pleased to bring you Panacea’s presentation on the topic. While the presentation is recorded and not live, it will be followed by a […]